4 Steps to Experiencing Unconditional Love

Este vídeo, já aqui está no meu blog, mas vou voltar a posta-lo:

“Have you wondered if unconditional love possible? Is it real? Here’s a concise definition of what unconditional love is and how you can achieve it. Not only is it possible, it’s the truth. It’s who we are. Unconditional love does not make us weak; it makes us strong. It frees us.

Step 1 — Accept unconditional love is possible.

Step 2 — Think about something in your life that generates a sense of kindness in you.

Step 3 — Be still. Allow your inner voice to embrace that kindness and give it the energy that it needs.

Step 4 — Take that kindness with you through the whole day with every situation and every person.

For more information about unconditional love, Dr. Jeanne Sanner, and her latest book, “Finding Unconditional Love: A Little ‘Peace’ at a Time”, go to her website at: http://jeannesanner.com/””

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